Discordian Stakeholders

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Truth about Cromwell Oil

Verdant Future: The Truth

Ethical-investment mutual funds and charitable foundations own up to 5% of total Cromwell Oil stock. However, an apparent incident in around July 2006 by Cromwell Oil, seems to indicate that toxic materials ran out from a Cromwell facility into a tributary of the Gangor River. This has resulted in widespread contamination of food and water of the local indigenous people of Discordia. Why do these ethical-investment mutual funds and charitable foundations such as Shared Heritage continued to invest in and support Cromwell Oil?

Additionally, Odiham Associates, a respected British Consultancy firm, has conducted an assessment of the proposed Cromwell Oil Block 77 development and export pipeline to the coast. This could pose significant environmental hazards to the protected national forests and endangered species of the country of Discordia.

As of yet, the final report has not made been available to the public or to the people of Discordia. What is Cromwell Oil hiding?


  1. The answers to Verdant's questions:


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Can you please take this blog down or make it private? Participants in the simulation today are trying to access it to gain information. Thank you!
