Discordian Stakeholders

Friday, March 18, 2011

Villager Concern Mounts in Discordia

March 18, 2011 11:00am CST

The Washington Post, Contributions by Lester McCoy & Clara Wishart-McCoy

Humanity First, a respected international NGO, has been contacted for help by the Enweh Villagers. There is considerable concern about the Discordian military forces amassing in their area. The government has asked for their cooperation with the training exercises in the area. Although the government denies any planned military action, the building forces are alarming and will be monitored closely. There is also growing concern over the delayed election in a supposed democratic nation.

Please contact:

Lester McCoy (Charles Litton) or Clara Wishart-McCoy (Bonnie Houston)

Anderson Family Commons


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