Discordian Stakeholders

Friday, March 18, 2011

Protest at the Capital for Freedom

Ironically after stating that the miliatary was merely conducting testing and preparation in the Enweh community. We have heard atrocious human rights violations committed by the military. The public now sees the duplicitous comments of the Discordian government, at the least the possibility that the government does not control the military.

This has spurred the Archidioces to report that catholics and muslims are uniting at the capital steps in a silent hunger strike.

This event is uniting the people of Discordia to seek the change they desire in their hearts. CDUL fully supports any initiative that unites Discordians together and promotes equitable economic development.

The CDUL is sending relief workers to Enweh to help with the emotional, physical and mental affects of this atrocity and to uncover new information about this latest news.

The CDUL will continue to protest at the capital steps until the CDUL is afforded an equal seat at the decision making table of the Discordian government. Anything less shows that the Discordian governemnt does not hold the best interests of the Discordian people or respect their rights as citizens requiring an advocate for this important possibility.

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