Discordian Stakeholders

Friday, March 18, 2011

North West Alliance  - Press Release

North West Alliance  - Press Release

The North West Alliance is part of Discordia and will always work to protect our country, our nature, and our people. As a government party our goal is to make sure that the development of any new industry in our country supports its growth.  

New industries will bring us a future of prosperity.  We will make sure that, throughout this process, we improve our country and the quality of life of every Alwi and Emmer. Actions taken to improve our economy must be balanced in order to guarantee the long-term preservation of our natural resources.

We are now committed to develop the energy industry in Discordia. For that, we believe that using already built infrastructure will certainly minimize the impacts on our nature while promoting the quality of life of our population. This process will pass through creating new jobs, providing education and improving our healthcare and transportation systems.

Using the northern pipeline option would be the best fitted solution since it has the existent infrastructure, providing the most cost effective option while preserving our environment. Running the pipelines through the savannah country will be the most environmental friendly option, making sure that the Dwarf Rhinos habitat wouldn’t be threatened. 

As part of the process we want the government party to work with the stakeholders to achieve better solutions. Along with the CDUL we support the increase in government transparency and implementation of a democratize process that bring people together on a unified nation.

The North West Alliance , the Vice President of Discordia and the Ministry of Energy stand by our people and are excited about the perspective of a prosperous future for our country.

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