Discordian Stakeholders

Friday, March 18, 2011

CDUL Response to recent developments

CDUL continues to conduct constructive discussions with NWA, Cromwell, and other willing parties regarding the developments of Discordia’ natural resources. CDUL ultimately believes and desires that the economic and social development of Discordia’s natural resources (oil and diamonds) will be beneficial for all Discordians. NWA and Cromwell, and others are making positive headway regarding the developments in Discordia based on discussion we have had with those respective parties.

CDUL would like to reiterate its position, as a nonviolent advocate of the people, for the people, and by the people, that an equal seat at the discussion table is what is desired. Demonstrations have spread to all 4 ethnic groups across Discordia. The nonviolent demonstrations across the country are continuing because the people of Discordia believe that equal and equitable development should take place with a representative of the people at the table. Until this occurs, from our discussions with at the grassroots level, these discussions will continue to have a blunted effect upon forward progress, for these foreign parties. CDUL continues and will always be for the rights and developments of Discordia.

An update on social media: In Country followers has surged as other governmental and private organizations have acknowledged the Discordian people’s plight. In-Country followers now number at 5,000. International support has followed suit as individual MicroBloggers have drawn attention to the situation to the tune of 30,000.

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