Discordian Stakeholders

Friday, March 18, 2011

Northwest Plan for the Future

Northwest Plan for the Future

In planning for the future of our country and the development that will follow the successful establishment of the block 77 oil field, the Vice President and Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and the Minister of Education announce the following key development priorities:

· Freedom of Religion – Discordians should be free to practice whatever faith they choose, on their own terms. The NWA does not support a State Faith in any way.
· Education – We need to invest heavily in education and increase the literacy rates for adults and children alike. Through greater education we can increase the standard of living for all.
· Environment – Of utmost importance is the maintenance of our indigenous species and forestlands. The NWA controls all permitting for any proposed pipelines and will not approve any line that could have a negative impact upon endangered areas. The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources will not approve any pipeline construction until the international community has verified that the impact upon the environment will not be negative.
· Infrastructure – Heavy investment is needed in infrastructure to develop commerce across the country, including specific investment in the Enweh and nearby villages.
· Revenue Sharing – the NWA supports equitable, transparent sharing of revenues across all local, state and federal government offices.

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