Discordian Stakeholders

Friday, March 18, 2011

Discordia – A Transparent Government?

A briefing of the Gangor Delta Axis Press Conference

March 18, 2011 9:30am CST

The Washington Post, Contributions by Lester McCoy & Clara Wishart-McCoy

Ambrosia Stephenson, acting Finance Minister and Press Secretary of Gangor Delta Axis held a press conference this morning at 9:30am CST. The topic of this conference appeared to be a reiteration of the government’s commitment to “transparency, with a focus on creating a healthy and prosperous nation”; however, Stephenson was reticent to comment on anything of substance or that might be perceived negatively at this time.

Stephenson reinforced the government’s commitment to using their country’s resources for the benefit of the larger community, but no real definition of who the “community” includes was provided. She also stated that “all citizens have basic human rights and a right to healthcare and education.”

In light of recent accusations from the Alwi people of possible genocide in the region, the question remains… who does this government consider a “citizen”? Who does the government consider its “community” if it is not protecting the masses of people in the villages? Unfortunately, the Gangor Delta Axis government has (again) declined to comment at this time.

The CDUL echoes our sentiment. From Graham Bobah Al-Awazi of the Central Discordia Unity League (CDUL), “We encourage the government to become more clear and transparent on spending and policies which are the lifeblood of the Discordian people. Anything less will have a dire effect on the ability of the government to lead its people. We are very concerned with the details and direction of this government.” The CDUL, along with Washington Patriot, welcomes meetings with Discordian government to discuss these serious issues in more detail.

Please contact:

Lester McCoy (Charles Litton) or Clara Wishart-McCoy (Bonnie Houston)

Anderson Family Commons


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