Discordian Stakeholders

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Washington Patriot - Contributions by Lester McCoy & Clara Wishart-McCoy

A Silent Bloodbath – Genocide of Alwi People

· A letter received by our Editor sent from the Alwi to Humanity First has cast a light on potentially oppressive military tactics and possible genocide of the Alwi people.

· Interim Government of Discordia has been accused of utilizing its military clout via both land and air strikes to drive out the Alwi people from their native territory in Central Discordia

· The Alwi, a peaceful people have been forced to seek refuge in the Ignosi Highlands, and hope to at least maintain this territory as a safe-haven from these alleged murderous onslaughts

· The airstrikes in particular, the letter states, have taken a toll on the Alwi, and they are fearful that their entire people may be eradicated by these strikes, which they are describing as nothing less than genocide.

· An unnamed source claims that an estimated 550 people were killed in 2007 by military units

· Both the Villages and the Interim Government declined to comment directly for this story

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