Discordian Stakeholders

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Mentor: Cromwell in Discordia: who needs whom?

Cromwell has been a long-time business partner in Discordia. They are well positioned to greatly expand this business to the potential benefit of both Cromwell as well as Discorcdia, but who needs whom in this relationship?

Cromwell needs Discordia?
  • Cromwell's reserves need replenishing (a topic the Mentor has covered previously)
  • Stock has been falling
  • Cromwell is a desirable takeover target by supermajors... if its stock price dips too much
Discordia needs Cromwell?
  • Newfound oil resources available, need a partner to extract them
  • Explosions of wealth must be carefully managed
  • Discordian government has been mis-managed (another previously covered topic)
  • Historically, resource exploitation deals have injured people, environments, and business reputations.
How will they proceed? While Cromwell has been unavailable for comment (In meetings with various Discordian government entities), this newsmagazine believes that they need to be more open regarding security and environmental concerns.

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