Discordian Stakeholders

Friday, March 18, 2011

Extinction of the Dwarf Rhino in the Near Future?

Most recently, Cromwell Oil was set to develop a pipeline in Endor Valley, threatening the existence of the Dwarf Rhino. According to Friends of the Dwarf Rhino (FODR), “Any such action would toll the death-knell of the Dwarf Rhino – a tragedy not just for the species itself but for all who value bio-diversity."

In response to FODR’s concern, Cromwell claims to be evaluating 3 various routes for the pipeline. When approached by the Protector, Cromwell had no comment on the locations of these possible routes. “We are very much aware of the situation and we promise to not endanger the species,” claimed a Cromwell representative.

Montague Tigg, Honorary President of Friends of the Dwarf Rhino has seen Cromwell’s response to his concern for the Dwarf Rhino and he is not pleased. “They do not seem to appreciate the serious consequences of their actions. This raises some questions about their so called “ethical” business practices.”

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