Discordian Stakeholders

Friday, March 18, 2011

Enweh villagers speak out

A reliable source living among the Enweh people has collected the following information related to their situation and concerns:

Cromwell has historically been good to the Enweh people (building schools, training midwives, upgrading health clinics, providing scholarships for secondary school, improved roads and other infrastructure, funded primary schools)

Unlike other regions of Discordia, AIDS is not a pressing issue for the Enweh people as there are only 3 documented cases of AIDS in the village. Clearly, education on AIDS is urgently needed.

Issues for them:

· Lack of communication or specific commitment from Cromwell – they desire transparency and to see quantifiable benefits from the oil development

· Concern that other NGOs might want to use their situation to advance their own agendas or speak on behalf of their issues

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