Wikidrain: Telling YOU what THEY wished they had shredded!
e-mail traffic supplied to Wikidrain from an unknown source but not “”
Date: 03.06.2008
Dear Sir:
I am a UK-based supplier of high quality furniture, sourced from two factories owed by myself and my partner and located in the Caribbean. I am interested in securing a reliable supply of furniture-grade West African hardwood at reasonable prices. My annual requirement is approximately 125 tons and a competitive price is essential. The source of your wood will be important to me as I am interested only in sawn tropical hardwood of high-medium to high-high grade. Please also indicate where you are based.
Yours faithfully: E. Litmo
Date: 04.06.08
Dear Mr(?) Litmo:
Sovereign Exotic Woods is based in Macao and sources timber of the quality you require from a number of countries in West Africa and elsewhere. Depending on your requirements full documentation can be provided as regards sourcing. As you are no doubt aware documentation requirements are less stringent for importation of sawn timber to Caribbean nations than were the same material to be exported directly to Europe or North America. I understand that you export only finished furniture, and not undressed timber, to the UK or elsewhere. Please be assured that Sovereign Exotic Woods can satisfy any requirements you may have.
Best Wishes: Jeremy Redruff
Date: 08.06.2008
Dear Mr. Redruff:
Please indicate your main sources of supply. Also provide information on any ethical timber-sourcing accreditations your company may have and whether you are a member of any international or national timber-trade federations or organisations which set standards for responsible sourcing. Please also provide information on your main countries of supply.
Yours faithfully: Edgar
Date: 09.06.08
Dear Edgar:
Sovereign sources from a range of countries in West Africa and South-East Asia. If you have a preference for a specific source or quality, this can usually be accommodated. Have you any specific requirements? In all cases necessary documentation and certification of origin sufficient for importation to the UK can be provided. Documents for importation elsewhere can also be provided though of course you will understand that extra costs may be involved for this. Sovereign is not a member of any organization of the type you specify but does of course operate to the highest standards of ethical and sustainable sourcing.
Best Wishes: Jeremy
Date: 12.06.2008
Dear Jeremy:
My company has a particular requirement for high-high quality sawn timber from Discordia as customers for our finished products rate highly the colour and close grain of such timber and as it has achieved a scarcity value hen supplies were cut off during the recent Civil War. As the market will stand a significant premium for the even more subtle colours associated with exotic hardwoods from Discordia please indicate if any timber can be obtained from this source. My company is in particularly interested in Robur Oak, of which we understand the last significant reserves exist in Discordia‘s Endor Valley.
Yours faithfully: Edgar
Date: 13.06.08
Dear Edgar:
On the attachment to this message you will find a price list for hardwood timber, including Robur Oak, sourced from Discordia, with appropriate discounts for volume and for any level of documentation and certification you require. Sovereign can supply highest quality exotic hardwood from Discordia, depending on your requirements, at rates that at present will be 10-15% lower, depending on volume and quality, than for comparable woods form South-East Asia. We have reason to believe however that costs will fall even further in the near future as new access and export routes are opened in Discordia. In this case Sovereign will give preference to supplying its existing customers. Sovereign has good relations with suppliers and authorities in Discordia and is well placed to satisfy all demands.
Best Wishes: Jeremy
Date: 14.06.2008
Dear Jeremy:
Should high-grade Thibaw teak be available the my annual requirement could be as much as 200 tons and several business associates of mine could be interested in similar quantities, bringing aggregate annual requirement above 1000 tons. A long-term supply deal could be of interest, primarily for Robur Oak, and would be dependent on secure supply undertakings. Please indicate your reasons for stating that increased supplies from Discordia are likely in near future as I understand that current road links do not permit significant logging on year-round basis.
Yours faithfully: Edgar
Date: 15.06.08
Dear Edgar:
Our agents in Discordia inform us that the British oil company Cromwell Energy has a signed undertaking with the Discordian Government to construct a road and pipeline through Discordia’s Endor Valley in the next two years. This region is, as you know, rich in Robur Oak forests which until now have been difficult to access. Once the Cromwell corridor is in place access tracks can be run off it easily to reach these reserves. Our associates in Discordia are well placed to source the necessary labor and funding to initiate large-scale logging in these areas. Credible documentary evidence of sustainable sourcing will be provided to whatever level is required. At this stage a meeting to discuss next steps would be appropriate. Please let me know where would be convenient.
Best Wishes: Jeremy
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